David Morgan
David Morgan is an artist and woodcut printer who moved to the coast of Maine from New Mexico in 2013.
His career as an artist began with photography in the 1970s, when it was still done with silver and light (but in the dark), and moved on to include 20 years as a cabinetmaker and woodcarver before his current work as a printmaker.
The alchemy of printmaking transmutes a visual idea through the crucibles of drawing, carving, inking, and printing into a finished image that holds some surprises for its maker, and hopefully some delight for its viewer. The very indirectness of making prints invites the unexpected, in apparent contradiction to its technical demands, and playing with that contradiction is an integral part of his creative process.
After working as an archaeologist in England, David wanted to somehow rediscover, celebrate, and share the exuberant wonder of sculpture created by artists a thousand years ago. However, since becoming a full-time printmaker a few years ago, he spends more time in the here and now as well, exploring the visual wonder of the contemporary world with – and beyond – more representational work.
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