Old Apple Tree DSCN5565_29rees.jpg

Old Apple Tree

Shadow II

Shadow II

House at the End of the Lane DSCN5567_29resizeded.jpg

House at the End of the Lane

Song of the Saw to Post Modern DSCN5562_22resized.jpg

Song of the Saw to Post Modern

Branch End

Branch End



Chaos Chaos DSCN5570-2.jpg

Chaos Chaos


Shadow I

Lava Lane Study

Lava Lane Study

Two Branches

Two Branches

Entanglement DSCN5571_1_22resized.jpg


Great Cranberry Isle, Tree Portrait #4 DSCN5568_29resized.jpg

Great Cranberry Isle, Tree Portrait #4

Shadow of Pickup Sticks DSCN5561_29resize.jpg

Shadow of Pickup Sticks
