Russell Wray was born in Rhode Island in 1955 to a mother who inspired his love of the arts. Encouraging him to experiment with clay, he spent many hours as a young boy sculpting clay animals that she would later fire in their kiln. This early introduction to sculpture, and clay in particular, has stayed with him throughout his artistic expression. Graduating from the Massachusetts college of Art with a BFA in sculpture, he continued to explore three-dimensional art. It wasn’t until he moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico in the late 80’s that he found another medium, printmaking. He has since flourished as both a two and three-dimensional artist, carrying many of the same themes from his etchings and dry points to his wood and terra cotta sculptures. During his last year in New Mexico, Russell met his wife, Akemi, who was visiting from Japan. They later moved back to the East coast and now make their home, and their art, near the shores of Frenchman’s Bay in Hancock, Maine.